Whitehaven, Egremont and District Credit Union Savings

Savings Whitehaven, Egremont & District Credit Union encourages members to develop a regular pattern of saving, to build a reserve which they may use for holidays, school uniforms, Christmas or just a rainy day. You can save as much as or as little as you wish! Developing a regular savings pattern also makes members eligible for a loan. The more you save, the more we will allow you to borrow! There a number of ways to save, including paying cash at one of the collection points, setting up a standing order, or payroll deductions. Think about it this way…
Save £2 a Week… Save £5 a Week…
After 1 year… £104 £260
After 2 years… £208 £520
After 3 years £312 £780
Withdrawing Your Money picture-12Members can withdraw money from their Credit Union account, provided they are not pledged as security for a loan. However, each transaction can take up to 2 days to process, so members will need to remember this, and apply for a share withdrawal in advance of the date which it is needed. To request a share withdrawal, either visit our office in Whitehaven or collection point at Millom, or email info@wedcu.co.uk<!-- Membership Application Form Membership Application online -->
Benefits of Saving with Whitehaven, Egremont & District Credit Union:
  • Dividend is paid on savings
  • Members are protected by free life insurance
  • Easy to access your savings should you need to make a withdrawal
  • No hidden fees or charges on any transaction
  • Easy way to save through payroll deduction or Standing Order
  • Covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme – meaning all savings are fully protected
  FSCS_Leader-web-banner_499x121px_FNLThe Credit Union is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme so if anything was to happen to the Credit Union then all members’ money is protected up to a value of £85,000