
Face Coverings

Face Coverings In line with Government regulations, you must wear a face covering when you enter the Credit Union office as of today (unless you have a legitimate reason not to). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own?fbclid=IwAR1VQBfZ1TDcJklXsnnnKwmfJJ-hGBWyljSoTNJGetA9B5o4ag-hrKTpqKA#:~:text=You%20do%20not%20need%20to,illness%20or%20impairment,%20or%20disability


Budgeting Sessions

Budgeting Sessions One to one online budgeting sessions are now available to Copeland residents! For further information or to book a session, contact us on 01946 66755, or email info@wedcu.co.uk