AGM 2021
AGM 2021 Our AGM will take place via ZOOM on Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 1pm. Anyone who would like to place an item in the Agenda under Any Other Business mustRead More…
AGM 2021 Our AGM will take place via ZOOM on Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 1pm. Anyone who would like to place an item in the Agenda under Any Other Business mustRead More…
Open As Normal We are open throughout the third national lockdown as before, and will aim to continue to provide our members with an excellent level of service. The Whitehaven office willRead More…
Christmas Loans Deadline If you haven’t already applied for your Christmas loan, please be aware that we’ll need your application in by Friday 18th December. After that date, we can’t guarantee thatRead More…
Christmas Opening Hours Monday 21st December – 10am-2pm Tuesday 22nd December – 10am-2pm Wednesday 23rd December – 10am-2pm Christmas Eve – CLOSED Christmas Day – CLOSED Monday 28th December – CLOSED TuesdayRead More…
Face Coverings In line with Government regulations, you must wear a face covering when you enter the Credit Union office as of today (unless you have a legitimate reason not to).,illness%20or%20impairment,%20or%20disability
Budgeting Sessions One to one online budgeting sessions are now available to Copeland residents! For further information or to book a session, contact us on 01946 66755, or email
Savings Incentive We’ve teamed up with the England Illegal Money Lending Team to offer this great savings incentive! The first 50 NEW members to join the Credit Union, and save at leastRead More…
Cash Payments We have resumed cash payments in our Whitehaven office – anyone who needs to make a cash payment into their account can do so between 10am and 12pm, Monday toRead More…
Covid-19 Update We are currently in the office Monday – Friday, between 10am and 2pm, for anyone who needs to access their account. In order to protect Credit Union members and staff,Read More…
Key Worker Support Loans We are launching a new loan product specifically targeted towards essential key workers: NHS staff, shop workers, delivery drivers, care workers etc. The new loan is designed toRead More…